Information for First Semester Master Students
Welcome to your Master studies at the University Bonn!
Experience shows that when you start your studies, you are faced with a wealth of information and new impressions. To make the start of your biology studies easier, we would like to support you in the first few days and weeks with information and assistance. A summary of what you need to do now can be found here.
Checklist for first-year master students - What you should do now!
Transfer the semester fee
After admission, you will receive an email with the semester fee to be paid. Once the amount has been transferred, you will receive your semester documents.
Activate Uni-ID
To be able to access all information, you should activate your Uni-ID as soon as you have received your semester documents.
This video explains how to do this.
Inform yourself about Introductory lectures
There are introductory lectures at the beginning of the semester for all Master's degree programs. You can find an overview of the dates for the various Master's degree programs here.
Inform yourself about the BIOrientation week
The BIOrientation week usually takes place in the first week of October and is organized by the Biology Student Council.
Financing and Support
“How can I fund my studies?” is an important and occasionally decisive question. Information about costs of studying in Bonn and options for financial help can be found here.
As in every university town, accommodation always comes at a premium; supply and demand can mean that finding a nice place to live presents a challenge in terms of both time and money. Some helpful information about how to find a suitable accommodation can be found here.
General Organisation
Information about Visa, how to open a german bank account, the mandatory insurances and other general information can be found on this website.
Learning German
The university offers a wide range of German language courses. Information about the different courses and how to apply can be found here.
Activating your Uni ID

M. Sc.
Date: tba
Place: tba

M. Sc.
Molecular Cell Biology
Date: tba
Place: tba

M. Sc.
Date : tba
Place: tba