Universität Bonn

Fachgruppe Biologie

General Policies

The instruments of the facility represent a substantial investment and resource for the research community. To ensure that these resources are available to investigators at the optimum performance level and a minimum of down-time, the following policies have been established:

  • To gain access the instruments, investigators must coordinate with one of the directors of the facility and be instructed by the staff.
  • In the event of problems while operating the instruments, the facility staff has to be notified immediately. All occurring problems and failures must be recorded in the logbook.
  • Instruments and chemicals must not be removed from the lab at any time.
  • Computers in the microscope rooms may only be used for image acquiring and processing purposes. The computers operating the microscopes must not be used to browse the internet and write/read emails.
  • Acquired digital images or data have to be transferred immediately to CD/hard disc drives or via online access. Computer hard drives may only be used for temporary storage, and old files will be deleted periodically without warning.
  • Users who do not follow or abuse these policies and/or lack of respect towards the other users or the facility staff, will be excluded from use of the facility.
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