Lehre zur Evolutionsbiologie und Ökologie (Master)
Koordination Master-Lehre der Abteilung
Büro: 2.029, Meckenheimer Allee 169, 53115 Bonn
Weiterführende Informationen zu dem englisch-sprachigen Master-Studiengang MSc OEP-Biology.
BIO-L17 Biologie des Menschen (M-LA)
In diesem Modul werden die Grundlagen der Human- und Immunbiologie vermittelt. Im Seminar werden fachwissenschaftliche Themen vertieft und die Studierenden erwerben weitere Kompetenzen in der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion, der Literaturrecherche und dem Verständnis von Originalliteratur. In den praktischen Übungen werden schulrelevante Versuche zu humanbiologischen Themen in Kleingruppen durchgeführt.
Wann: Sommersemester, semesterbegleitend
Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bartolomaeus, Prof. Dr. Michael Hofmann, Prof. Dr. Walter Witke, PD Dr. Susanne Häußler
Modulkontakt: PD Dr. Susanne Häußler (haeusler@uni-bonn.de)
© Susanne Häußler / colourbox
OEP-B31 Bee hotels as a model system for field ecology and
insect interactions
In this module, students receive an exemplary introduction to ecological field studies: experiment design, data collection, analysis, and presentation – orally and in writing. On a technical level, the course focuses on classical entomology, palynology, and statistics. Hands-on data collection will be conducted in groups of 2-3 students. Students will analyse trap nests, identify insect orders, insect morphospecies and pollen from plants, and trap nests. Additionally, students record environmental data and statistically analyse possible
interactions between the environment and insects/plants. At the end of the course, each group will discuss the results and present them to their fellow students in conventional academic formats: a mini-paper and a mini-conference with poster and oral presentation. The course is 6 hours per day, with independent work on data presentation.
interactions between the environment and insects/plants. At the end of the course, each group will discuss the results and present them to their fellow students in conventional academic formats: a mini-paper and a mini-conference with poster and oral presentation. The course is 6 hours per day, with independent work on data presentation.
Wann: Wintersemester, Zeitgruppe 3
Lehrende: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Antonia Mayr, Dr. Julia Gravendyck
Modulkontakt: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Antonia Mayr (anmayr@uni-bonn.de)
© Antonia Mayr