Universität Bonn

Bonner Institut für organismische Biologie

Wessel van der Vos
M.Sc. Wessel van der Vos
  • Bonner Institut für organismische Biologie (BIOB)
  • Abteilung III Evolutionsbiologie und Ökologie
While at the Bonner Institut für Organismische Biologie, I will contribute to studies that examine how the cichlid P. zebra's and the goldfish C. auratus’s brain processes cognitive information via neural substrates, and connections between different brain parts. With lesion experiments and observations of either specifically designed training assays or spontaneous behaviour, it is expected that distinct cognitive abilities can be linked to specific parts of the brain regions within these fish. Previous work has made modest contributions in limb development and tail regeneration.
Wessel van der Vos
M.Sc. Wessel van der Vos

Raum 2.023, Poppelsdorfer Schloss

Meckenheimer Allee 169

53115 Bonn

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